The repetition of something three times was an expression of the superlative.

It is usually associated with God’s perfection. Blessings also take a triune pattern “The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let his face shine on you… The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace (Num. 6:24-26). Three is an important number in the Bible. It expressed the central idea of monotheism that God is one and unique. This prayer the Shema (Hebrew for “Hear”) is the most important for the Jewish people. “Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is one.” (Deut.

While one does not appear as often as some numbers, it was significant as an expression of God’s uniqueness. But there is some general agreement about the most commonly used numbers. What was meant by Peter’s miraculous catch of 153 large fish in John 21:11 still baffles scholarship. Biblical scholars can sometimes disagree on what a particular number symbolizes in a particular passage. In this article, we will look at some of the most common numbers found in the Bible and see what they symbolize. Like most symbols, these can have multiple meanings and the meaning may not always be clear. The problem is we live thousands of years after these books were written and we have forgotten what many of the symbols mean. The numerical symbols can be thought of as a kind of shorthand that the authors knew their audience would understand, like pop culture references or emojis today. God does not hide Himself in scripture He reveals Himself. Nothing in the Bible is meant to be secret. Now, this does not mean that there is some secret biblical code, that, when cracked, will reveal the date of the end of the world or the formula for the world’s greatest ice cream favor. Numbers had symbolic meanings in the cultures of ancient Israel, Egypt, and Babylon, and the human authors of the scriptures used those symbolic numbers to convey meaning. You know what I mean when I say, “The gymnast got a perfect ten”, or “I got a hole in one”, or “He went the whole nine yards.” We use numbers to signify meaning other than just the numerical value they represent, and so did the people of biblical times. It all seems so complicate and confusing, but it really is not that different from our use of numbers today. What does it all mean? Was there a biblical math class that I missed?
#Biblical numerology 3 full#
The book of Revelation is full of them: there are four living creatures, seven seals, seven bowls, seven trumpets, and 144,000 servants of God. There are twelve tribes of Israel and twelve Apostles. Have you ever wondered why certain numbers seem to appear over and over again in the Bible? It rained for forty days and forty nights, the Israelites wandered for forty years, Jesus spent forty days in the desert. The Meaning of Symbolic Numbers in the Bible Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy (EADM).